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Landowners Seek Future Development Opportunities in Mid Devon

February 2022

Consultations have begun on a new Local Plan for Mid Devon, which will shape the district’s development decisions until 2043.

The council is seeking views, which will help decide where housing and employment will take place, and where it should be avoided.

The consultation runs until March 28 and there are a number of Zoom sessions planned to seek views. An initial meeting outlining the plan will take place on February 7, between 3.30pm and 4.30pm, with the opportunity for questions.

The council hopes to run “in person” drop-ins in Tiverton, Cullompton and Crediton, now that Covid restrictions are easing.

Views can also be registered on the Mid Devon District Council website.

All the opinions will feed into Plan Mid Devon which will form the basis of the area’s Local Plan – the blueprint for development in the district over the next couple of decades.

 By law the council must review its Local Plan every five years – the current plan was adopted in 2020. The new document will take account of the latest planning policies and the need to balance housing and employment requirements alongside preserving Mid Devon’s environment and heritage.

 Experts from Greenslade Taylor Hunt’s Development Land and Planning Department are monitoring the process closely.  They are already working with a number of clients with land in or adjacent to the towns and larger villages in the district, which may be suitable for housing or employment development.

 Greenslade Taylor Hunt’s specialists can advise landowners on the merits of promoting land themselves for development allocation, or entering into either a promotion, hybrid or option agreement with a land promoter or housebuilder, who would then take on the promotion work.  There may also be potential to submit an early planning application as the Local Plan evolves.
If you own land, which may be suitable for housing or employment use, please contact the department to see how you may be helped to earmark your site for potential development.

 For an initial chat please call 01823 334466 or email [email protected]


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